About Fotobook DUMMIES Day Photobook Fair

Fotobook DUMMIES Day, first established as a photobook fair, with the aim of gathering artists who work with images and self-publishing, Fotobook DUMMIES Day experiments with these two mediums as a curatorial basis for exhibitions, events and artist talks.

The photobook fair focuses on “images”, “self-publishing”, and “community”. Since 2018, it has held three editions of the photobook fair in Taipei , transforming alternative spaces — a bar, a youth hostel, and an independent bookstore — into a temporary gathering place for the self-publishing community.

The Fotobook DUMMIES Day Photobook Fair 2023 will be held from December 15 to 17 at C-LAB (Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab). This fourth edition of the fair includes photozines, dummy books, artists’ books, photobooks, photo-text books and other forms of publication. Overseas exhibitors are welcome!

We extend a warm invitation to all artists, collectives, independent publishers, bookshops, and many more, to gather under one roof!